A Little More About Me
The Journey to here...
I knew from a very early age that I wanted to act but I also loved, really loved, to draw and paint. So, after school, I went to the brilliant Rochdale Art College to do my Foundation Certificate. Not being any clearer I chose Middlesex University for my degree where I could combine Fine Art with Art History and Drama.
During my final year, a friend invited me to join her on a workshop with Jos Houben of Complicite at The Brewery Arts Festival in Kendal. This was to change the course of my life. It was an exciting but challenging week exploring comedy and what makes us laugh and it was here I suppose I found my comedy legs. Jos suggested I should go to the Lecoq School in Paris to study theatre making and he offered to give me the required letter of recommendation. I needed no further encouragement! Lecoq was utterly amazing. I feel so lucky that I was able to study with the man himself and make some wonderful friends. A few of us formed Parti-Pris theatre company on leaving the school so we could write and produce our own work.
I began acting in shows up and down the country, got an agent and expanded my work in to TV and commercials.
After the birth of my first daughter, I returned to drawing, mainly working on illustration style characters. This lead to creating stories for the characters to inhabit; Big Top Mole and later Witch Way Up!
After my second daughter was born I began to paint again. Portraits this time. I love capturing something of the person on canvas. I love to paint.
I no longer apologise for practicing both disciplines. I hope I can continue to act and paint. Usually one at a time! The girls are getting older and I find myself with a little more time.